In the drop down menus below, you will find the most up to date New Proposal Template and Instructions. Please use this updated version (New Proposal Form v2024) and disregard any previous templates. New Proposals submitted in any previous forms will not be accepted.
NOTE: If you do not have an existing agreement with WTFRC, you will be required to fully execute the appropriate agreement below in order to receive funds.
Download instructions here: New-Proposal-Instructions
Word format, 11 pt. Times New Roman font. Mirrored margins; 1.25” left margin, 1” right, top & bottom margins. Note: Do not include page #’s, headers, or footers.
10 pages is the maximum length for new proposals and continuing reports. 12 pages is the maximum length for final reports, not including the header pages. Start proposals and reports on separate page.
Project Title
70-character limit including spaces. Note: For historical tracking purposes, this title must stay the same throughout the project.
Include information for each listed PI or Co-PI. A Co-PI designation means that the individual is fully engaged throughout the project duration and is contributing to the scientific research of the project.
Each CO-PI is expected to remain an active contributor throughout the project, most clearly reflected via an associated budget. Note: Updated contract administrator information for all PIs/Co-PIs should be included with new proposals and annual report submissions.
A cooperator is a company that is donating products or services, or an individual serving in an advisory capacity. List cooperators involved in the project.
Contact Information
Please give a direct phone line and email address for contact. Do not place contact information in table format.
Total Project Request
Fill in the total amount of your funding request.
Other Funding Sources
If you are soliciting funding from other agencies, please include names and dollar amount you will request or have requested.
WTFRC Collaborative Expenses
All potential WTFRC research collaboration must be discussed and approved in advance. Contact Tory Schmidt, or (509) 665-8271, ext. 4, at least two weeks prior to proposal submission deadline to discuss project viability and staff availability. The proposal must estimate the amount of expenses WTFRC will incur should the project be funded. Note: This amount should be included in the total project request. If you do not anticipate collaborative expenses type in “None,” and delete the table.
The budget tables should reflect your needs for each year of the entire project (3 years maximum). Please round to whole dollars.
Note: WTFRC does not fund or pay for:
• overhead charges
• tuition for graduate students
• publication costs
• travel to professional society meetings or research reviews
Travel budgets must contain only those costs which are directly related to the proposed project. If you are working with other institutions, itemize the budget for each entity.
Once complete, begin your project proposal on the page following the header pages and follow the format below.
The stakeholders in your proposal audience include people who are not scientists. Provide a summary, using lay-person language, that reveals how this research project will benefit the growers of Washington State. Describe the need for the research and the subject to be investigated. If your proposed research addresses an issue targeted by researchers before, explain why ongoing or new research is important.
Use 1, 2, 3, etcetera to identify each objective in the proposal. Objectives should be specific and describe the targeted goals of the proposed project. Indicate how this research meets the priorities identified in the posted RFP, by the Commission, or within the industry. See apple, cherry, pear, and technology RFPs on the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission’s website at:
Describe the procedures and methodology to be used, types and timing of anticipated results, and any potential problems or limitations that may be encountered.
Literature Review
Include a limited literature review with citations.
Additional Items
Footnotes: Can be included with 9pt. font. Note: Do not place footnotes in header/footer area on page setup.
Pictures/Graphics: Pictures and graphics in books are printed in black & white.
Temperature reporting: Please include Fahrenheit conversion.
Electronic File Naming: For file submission, name your file using primary researcher’s last name, key word from project title, and NEW, CONTINUING, or FINAL report. Please use an underscore between last name, key title word, and report type. Example: Xue_Applescab_FINAL
Submitting Your Proposal: Submit proposals electronically via email to If you do not receive an email response indicating your proposal was received in one business day, please contact Paige via phone 509-665-8271, ext. 2, or via email. Submission does not ensure we have received your proposal.