In the drop down menus below, you will find the most up to date Continuing Report Template and Instructions. Please use this updated version (Final Report Form v2024) and disregard any previous templates. Final Reports submitted in any previous forms will not be accepted.
If you will not complete your research by the deadline date of your final report, you will need to request a no-cost extension (NCE). Please do not complete this Final Report and instead refer to the NCE page at:
Download the most up-to-date form here:Final-Report-Template-v2024
Download instructions here: Final Report Instructions v2024
Word format, 11 pt. Times New Roman font. Mirrored margins; 1.25” left margin, 1” right, top & bottom margins. Note: Do not include page #’s, headers, or footers.
10 pages is the maximum length for new proposals and continuing reports. 12 pages is the maximum length for final reports, not including the header pages. Start proposals and reports on separate page.
Project Title
70-character limit including spaces. Note: For historical tracking purposes, this title must stay the same throughout the project.
Include information for each listed PI or Co-PI. A Co-PI designation means that the individual is fully engaged throughout the project duration and is contributing to the scientific research of the project.
Each CO-PI is expected to remain an active contributor throughout the project, most clearly reflected via an associated budget. Note: Updated contract administrator information for all PIs/Co-PIs should be included with new proposals and annual report submissions.
A cooperator is a company that is donating products or services, or an individual serving in an advisory capacity. List cooperators involved in the project.
Contact Information
Please give a direct phone line and email address for contact. Do not place contact information in table format.
Once complete, paste the final report to the header page and follow the format below.
Recap original objectives and significant findings
Provide a brief overview of the original goals of the project. Identify the level of accomplishment of each objective. Include a bulleted list of significant findings during the life of the project. Highlight significance to the industry and potential economic benefits. Use summary graphics.
Results and Discussion
Provide a brief overview of the original goals of the project.
Executive Summary
The executive summary should be attached to the end of the final report and sent as one file. This page does not count towards the 12-page final report maximum. Please use the following guidelines when including the
Project title: (Please use same title as funded)
Key words: Include 3-5 key words that will aid in the database search
Abstract: Provide an overview of your work, keeping in mind that this will become a permanent, historical document placed in the searchable database. Use wording to attract readers, especially growers who have invested their funds in your research.
Additional Items
Footnotes: Can be included with 9pt. font. Note: Do not place footnotes in header/footer area on page setup.
Pictures/Graphics: Pictures and graphics in books are printed in black & white.
Temperature reporting: Please include Fahrenheit conversion.
Budget: Please include overall leveraged funding throughout the life of the project.
Electronic File Naming: For file submission, name your file using primary researcher’s last name, key word from project title, and NEW, CONTINUING, or FINAL report. Please use an underscore between last name, key title word, and report type. Example: Xue_Applescab_FINAL
Submitting Your Report: Submit reports electronically via email to If you do not receive an email response indicating your report was received in one business day, please contact Paige via phone 509-665-8271, ext. 2, or via email. Submission does not ensure we have received your report.