Author: Don C. Elfving
Published: 2003
Summary: The objectives for this project were: 1. Evaluate effects of Apogee and ethephon alone and in combination on vegetative growth, flowering, fruiting and fruit quality in young sweet cherry trees. Include the cultivars ‘Bing.’ ‘Lapins,’ ‘Rainier,’ and others as appropriate in trials. 2. Compare single vs. multiple application strategies of Apogee and ethephon for effectiveness in control of vegetative growth under southern Washington and north-central Washington environmental conditions. Develop application combinations and timing strategies that produce effective growth control in different cherry growing environments. 3. Determine the propensity for treatment with Apogee and/or ethephon to induce regrowth and application methods that minimize regrowth. 4. Examine effects of growth-control applications to non-fruiting cherry trees on stimulation of precocity in flowering and fruiting. 5. Evaluate Apogee effects on cherry fruit size, color, firmness, solids content and quality. Determine the potential for use of Apogee in management of growth and cropping in fruiting cherry trees. 6. Examine canopy structure in relation to whole-tree photosynthesis of young sweet cherry trees treated with Apogee and/or ethephon. Characterize the changes in canopy structure and document tree photosynthetic behavior through the growing season. Assess the relationship, if any, of whole-tree carbon-fixing capacity to flowering, fruiting and crop quality.