Author: Peter J. Landolt, Jay Brunner, Mike Doerr
Published: 2001
Summary: This project explored the use of feeding attractant to monitor Lacanobia, Pandemis leafroller and codling moth through season, compared feeding attractants to pheromone lures for monitoring, related moth capture to egg hatch and to larval densities, and pursued improvements in feeding attractant lures.
Title: Development of Feeding Atttractants as Monitoring Lures for moth pests of apple.
PI: Peter J. Landolt, USDA-ARS, Wapato, WA
Co-PI(s): Jay Brunner and Mike Doerr, WSU, TFREC, Wenatchee
2001 Objectives
1. Use feeding attractant to monitor Lacanobia, Pandemis leafroller and codling moth
through season.
2. Compare feeding attractant to pheromone lures for monitoring.
3. Relate moth capture to egg hatch and to larval densities.
4. Pursue improvements in feeding attractant lures.
Significant Findings:
1. A controlled release system was developed for the feeding attractants that include acetic
acid and 3-methyl-1-butanol.
2. A dry trap (Universal Moth Trap) was found to be superior in capturing Lacanobia moths
attracted to the feeding attractant.
3. A dry trap (large Delta) was found to be superior in capturing Pandemis leafroller moths
attracted to the feeding attractant.
4. Most female Lacanobia moths are captured before they have laid many or none of their
5. A preliminary assessment of the data indicates that Lacanobia and Pandemis captures in
feeding attractant traps correlate better with larval numbers that do captures in pheromone
6. Best placement of traps baited with feeding attractant for Lacanobia is in the upper tree
7. In all tests, results for spotted cutworm and bertha armyworm were quite similar to results
obtained for Lacanobia.
Gravimetric (weight loss) studies were done on a series of polypropylene vial sizes, and with
a range of vial lid hole diameters to determine release rates of acetic acid and 3-methyl-1-butanol
from vial dispensers.
A long series of trapping experiments were conducted, using the feeding attractant dispensed
from vials to evaluate trap designs, trap placement, vial hole diameters, lure component release rates,
lure release rates, and additional fermentation chemicals.
Blocks of 3 to 5 acres of apples were monitored from April to October for Pandemis
leafroller, Lacanobia fruitworm and codling moth. Monitoring was with sex pheromone traps and
feeding attractant traps, with all traps checked twice per week. During both generations, plots were
sampled for leafroller and Lacanobia larvae, and apple fruit infested with codling moth larvae.
Leafroller larvae were sampled by visual searching for damage and for rolled leaves. Lacanobia
larvae were sampled by limb knocking of larvae onto a sheet on the ground. Codling moth sampling
was done by visual searching of apple fruit.
Results and Discussion:
Lure and Trap Optmization
An optimum feeding attractant monitoring system for Lacanobia fruitworm was developed.
The recommended lure is a pair of 8 ml polypropylene vials, each with a hole in the lid of each that is
3 mm in diameter. One vial possesses 5 ml of acetic acid on cotton, the other vial possesses 5 ml of 3-
methyl-1-butanol on cotton. The vials are suspended right-side-up in the bucket of a Universal Moth
Trap with a piece of Vaportape to kill captured moths. Traps can be all green or multi-colored
Universal Moth Traps, but should be placed in the upper canopy of orchard trees to capture maximum
numbers of Lacanobia moths. A commercial prototypeof the lure has been field tested and performed
comparable to our research lure. The recommended lure should last at least 4 weeks.
This system provides a strong lure and trap system for Lacanobia. It is also attractive to
other moths however, primarily Noctuidae. This makes monitoring difficult because captured moths
must be sorted and the Lacanobia moths recognized. This lure and trap was evaluated in a variety of
habitats throughout the season to determine what types of moths are trapped (Landolt and Hammon in
press). In apple orchards, moths captured are primarily Lacanobia, bertha armyworm, and spotted
cutworm, while many other species are captured if traps are placed in natural habitats. For this
reason, it is recommended that traps be placed well within orchard blocks, in order to minimize
capture of non-target moths. Few insects in addition to noctuid moths are captured in these traps and
the use of a dry trap makes moth identification much easier than in the previously tested wet trap
(Agrisense Dome or Trappitt trap).
An optimum feeding attractant system for Pandemis leafroller was also developed. The
recommended lure is a single 8 ml polypropylene vial with a hole in the lid that is 3 mm in diameter.
The vial possesses 5 ml of acetic acid on cotton and is placed within a large Delta style sticky trap.
An optimum feeding attractant system was also developed for the codling moth, but appears
to be too ineffective to be useful. It is comprised of a single 8 ml polypropylene vial with a hole in
the lid that is 1 mm in diameter. The vial possesses 5 ml of acetic acid on cotton and is placed within
a Pherocon Wing trap.
The development of a dispenser for acetic acid permitted the testing of dry trap designs. The
original method of dispensing acetic acid was to place it in the drowning solution of a wet trap.
Moths captured in these wet traps were very difficult to identify and were prone to rapid
decomposition during hot weather. The dispenser led to the identification of effective dry trap
designs for all three species of moths and made the use of the wet traps obsolete.
Comparison of Monitoring Methods
Results of season long monitoring of Lacanobia moths in orchards provided comparisons of
pheromonal and feeding attractant monitoring systems. With both types of lures, the general
phenology of Lacanobia was evident, with two distinct flights of moths. Numbers of moths captured
were adequate with both lures at all sites to track moth phenology. However, there was considerable
variance in the relationship between numbers of moths captured in feeding attractant traps and
numbers of moths captured in pheromone traps. That is, in some blocks many more moths were
captured in pheromone traps and in some blocks numbers of moths captured were comparable with
the different lures. Although the data analysis is preliminary at this point in time, statistical analyses
of trap catch results for Lacanobia moths indicates a much stronger correlation between numbers of
moths captured in feeding attractant traps versus pheromone traps and numbers of larvae found in the
sampling of tree foliage. These data will be combined with earlier sampling done for Lacanobia by
Mark Hitchcox and work conducted by Jay Brunner’s laboratory to see if this pattern is consistent.
Numbers of Pandemis leafroller moths captured in feeding attractant traps were consistently
less than numbers in pheromone traps. However, these numbers were still sufficient to track the
phenology of the moth through the season, with both types of lures. Additionally, as with Lacanobia
moths, there was consistently a stronger correlation between numbers of Pandemis leafroller moths
captured in feeding attractant traps versus pheromone traps and the numbers of leafroller larvae found
in searches of orchard blocks.
Improvement of Chemical Blends as Feeding Attractants
A number of additional chemicals were tested in combination with acetic acid or added to the
combination of acetic acid and 3-methyl-1-butanol. These included reassessing terpeneols, testing of
several plant compounds reported in early literature to be attractive to codling moth, and developing
and testing slow release formulations for carbon dioxide. These added chemicals did not consistently
increase the capture of Lacanobia, Pandemis, or codling moth in traps baited with either acetic acid
and 3-methyl-1-butanol or acetic acid.
Landolt, P. J. 2000. New chemical attractants for trapping Lacanobia subjuncta, Mamestra
configurata, and Xestia c-nigrum (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 93: 101-106.
Landolt, P. J. and J. F. Alfaro.2001. Trappinig Lacanobia subjuncta, Mamestra configurata, and
Xestia c-nigrum (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with acetic acid and 3-methyl-1-butanol in controlled
release dispensers. Environ. Entomol.
Landolt, P. J. and P. Hammond. Captures of non-target moths in traps baited with acetic acid and 3-
methyl-1-butanol. J. Lepid. Soc. (In press)
Development of Feeding Atttractants as Monitoring Lures for moth pests of apple.
Peter J. Landolt,
Project Duration: 1999-2001
Current Year: 2002
Year Year 1 (1999) Year 2 (2000) Year 3 (2001)
Salary 15,350 17,000
Benefits 5,100
Supplies 2,500 4,000
Travel 750 1,000
Total 22,750 23,700 22,000
Project cost 1999-2001: $48,450