Evaluating Replant Strategies for X-disease Infected
Author: Ashley Thompson
Published: 2024
Summary: This study investigates the efficacy of common replant strategies in mitigating X-disease phytoplasma (XDP) infections in orchards in Washington and Oregon. Removal of individual trees, even with herbicide application to the stump, did not eradicate all infected roots. Root suckers were absent at all sites regardless of rootstock or tree removal strategy. Entire orchard removal in Washington resulted in no live roots, while in Oregon, 70 roots were found, mostly states of decayed. Replanted tree infection rates were inconsistent, hindering attribution to nursery stock or removal strategy. Factors like nursery stock quality, early infections in high-pressure areas, and leafhopper presence posed higher infection risks. XDP progression analysis revealed a rise in infections over time, emphasizing the importance of careful sampling timing and tissue selection. These findings provide insights for orchard management practices and strategies to counteract XDP spread, offering a comprehensive perspective on root survival, tree infection dynamics, and XDP progression.