Field testing of multi-component host plant kairomones for the codling moth.
Author: Peter J. Landolt, Jay Brunner
Published: 2005
Summary: This projects objectives were: 1. Determine 2-component blends that are attractive to codling moth females in apple orchards. 2. Determine if reported multi-component blends are due to responses to 2- component blends. 3. Compare doses and ratios of a select kairomonal blend, to provide researchers with an improved lure for study. 2005 Objectives/goals. 1. Optimize beta farnesene as a codling moth lure. 2. Optimize an attractive ester blend as a codling moth lure. 3. Compare kairomones for efficacy in attracting male and female codling moth and the seasonal pattern of codling moth response to these kairomones.