Summary: The Apiculture program requested funds from the WTFRC to assist in setting up a diagnostic laboratory to perform examinations of mite and pathogen loads in Washington State beekeeping operations. This laboratory was set up using a compilation of funds from numerous sources and has continued to function to serve Washington State Beekeepers in this role since 2008. Numerous beekeeping organizations and individual beekeepers have donated money to keep the laboratory functional and we also received some Honey Bee USDA-CAP funding in 2010 and 2011.We conducted a targeted survey in 2008 to: 1. Determine seasonal numbers of tracheal and Varroa mites 2. Determine the presence of Nosema ceranae in Washington bee colonies 2. Determine the presence of Nosema ceranae in Washington bee colonies 3. Determine spore counts of Nosema in relation to seasonal changes