Author: Eugene Miliczky, David Horton
Published: 2004
Summary: The objectives of this project were: 1. Assess the arthropod inhabitants of alder (Alnus spp.) leafrolls, especially with regard to beneficial insects that also occur in Washington orchards or may be of value in orchard biological control. Evaluate the potential of Clubiona spiders, common occupants of alder leafrolls, as predators of orchard pest leafrollers: PLR and OBLR. 2. Conduct a survey of native plant species for leafrolling caterpillars that may serve as alternate hosts for Colpoclypeus florus, an important parasite of orchard pest leafrollers; determine if non-pest leafrollers on native host plants harbor parasitoids of potential value in biological control of orchard pest leafrollers; test suitability of non-pest leafrollers from native host plants as hosts for C. florus. 3. Conclude western flower thrips/extra-orchard host plant survey by sampling a series of important WFT host plants that spans the season; assess numbers and occurrence of WFT and its predators on the plants. 4. Determine if the density of western flower thrips in apple blossoms varies as distance from adjacent extra-orchard habitat increases; does the level of WFT damage (pansy spot) vary as distance from extra-orchard habitat increases; assess the efficacy of field sampling for WFT by the blossom flick method to determine thrips densities in apple bloom. 5. Determine if psyllid species found on extra-orchard host plants are attacked by Trechnites insidiosus, a parasitoid of the pear psylla, or other parasitoid species.