Author: David Horton, Alan Knight
Published: 2000
Summary: Significant findings of this project were 1) Newly hatched larvae of oblique-banded leafroller were more susceptible to field-weathered residues of CONFIRM than late instar larvae, 2) Mortality of small larvae occurred on CONFIRM residues field-aged for up to 5 weeks; large larvae were killed by field-residues of 3 weeks in age, and 3) Egg hatch was reduced on 1-week old CONFIRM residues early in the season but not later in the season; spray coverage may have been better early in the season.
TITLE: Leafroller Biology and Potential for Control with Insect Growth
PRINCIPAL David R. Horton, Yakima Agricultural Research Laboratory, ARS
CO-INVESTIGATORS: Alan L. Knight, Yakima Agricultural Research Laboratory, ARS
FUNDING HISTORY: Funding in 1999-2000 (Year Initiated): $21,014
Newly hatched larvae of oblique-banded leafroller were more susceptible to field-weathered residues
of CONFIRM than late instar larvae.
Mortality of small larvae occurred on CONFIRM residues field-aged for up to 5 weeks; large larvae
were killed by field-residues of 3 weeks in age.
Egg hatch was reduced on 1-week old CONFIRM residues early in the season but not later in the
season; spray coverage may have been better early in the season.
Determine whether moths collected from CONFIRM-treated orchards show reduced fecundity and
egg fertility (as suggested by earlier laboratory trials by Knight and Horton).
Quantitatively describe field-persistence of CONFIRM against oblique-banded leafroller larvae and
Light traps equipped with mesh bags were placed in CONFIRM-treated and untreated orchards to
collect live female moths. As with last year, captured moths were entirely male, thus the project was
CONFIRM was applied with a standard airblast sprayer to a 10 acre block of ‘Gala’ apples on May 1,
2000 and again on June 6, 2000. The application rate was 17 oz of product per 100 gallons of water
per acre. Foliage was collected from this orchard and a neighboring unsprayed orchard 24 hours
following application, 1 week following application, and 3 weeks following application. Foliage
samples were placed in large glass vials to which a single OBLR larva per vial was added. Two
larval ages were compared: newly hatched larvae and 4th – 5th instar instar larvae. There were 25
replicates per treatment combination. Survival of larvae was determined at 4 days and 7 days.
We allowed laboratory-reared moths (OBLR) to deposit eggs on field-collected foliage. Egg masses
were collected and allowed to hatch; number of larvae hatching was determined for each egg mass.
After hatch had been completed, area of the egg mass was determined using a LI-COR area-meter.
Hatch is expressed as number of larvae per cm2 of egg mass. Sample sizes were 5 to 20 egg masses
per treatment combination (adults were highly variable in egg-laying capacities, which explains the
variable sample sizes).
The experiment was repeated in early August at the experimental orchard located at Moxee. Two
rows of Golden Delicious apples were sprayed with CONFIRM using a small airblast sprayer pulled
by an ATV. Two control rows were sprayed with water. Foliage was collected at 24 hours, 1 week, 3
weeks, and 5 weeks, and assays were conducted as above. Rates were the same as at the commercial
Light-traps equipped with mesh bags collected only 10 moths; all were male, and the project to
determine effects of field residues on field-collected, female moths was discontinued.
Figure 1 shows larval survival at 4 days (panels 1 and 2) and 7 days (panels 3 and 4) for small and
large larvae fed foliage collected in early May. The grower applied Guthion between the week 1 and
week 3 foliage collections, so the survival data for week 3 reflect the combined effects of Guthion
and CONFIRM residues. Mortality of small larvae on the 1-week residues was 100%; mortality
approached 100% for the large larvae.
Figure 2 shows larval survival for the June experiment. Again, the grower applied Guthion before the
week 3 foliage sample could be taken. Mortality of larvae fed 1-week old residues was again high,
irrespective of larval age.
Figure 3 shows results for the Moxee orchard, and indicate that small larvae suffered high mortality
rates up to 5 weeks following the CONFIRM application (panel 3), and that large larvae suffered high
mortality rates up to 3 weeks following the spray (panel 4).
Figure 4 shows that egg hatch rates were severely reduced on CONFIRM-treated foliage for the two
trials conducted in the commercial orchard. However, there was no significant reduction in egg-hatch
for the trial conducted in August at the experimental orchard in Moxee (Figure 5). Our results for the
larval survival suggests that we had better spray coverage at the commercial sites than at the Moxee
site (compare Figures 1-2 vs Figure 3), which may explain the poor egg-kill for the Moxee
CONFIRM residues provided kill of newly-hatched and large larvae of oblique-banded leafroller up
to and exceeding 3 weeks following the application. Results for egg-kill were less clear, due to poor
results for the August trials; however, results at the commercial orchard for applications made in May
and June suggest that residues caused substantial egg mortality at least up to one week following the
spray application.
Figure 1.
Survival of
small and large
larvae after 4
days or 7 days
feeding on fieldcollected
foliage. Early
May study.
made between
weeks 1 and 3.
Figure 2. Survival of small and large larvae after 4 days or 7 days feeding on fieldcollected
foliage. Early June study. Commercial orchard. Guthion application made
between weeks 1 and 3.
Figure 3. Survival of
small and large larvae
after 4 days or 7 days
feeding on fieldcollected
foliage. Early August
study. Moxee
Figure 4. Larvae hatched per square cm of egg mass. Commercial orchard.
Figure 5. Larvae hatched per square cm of egg mass. Moxee experimental orchard.