Validation and implementation of the WA cherry powdery mildew model
Author: Gary G. Grove
Published: 2008
Summary: The objectives of this project were: 1) Continue model validation work on cv. ‘Bing’ and ‘Sweetheart’ and expand validation work to include other cultivars. 2) Determine appropriate fungicides for use at critical points during mildew epidemics. In addition to repeating our 2007 work on overall program initiation, our 2008 work also focused on identification of the most efficacious fungicide class for use at the onset of secondary inoculum production (i.e. when the model indicates disease onset after primary infection). 3) Determine optimal spray intervals for various fungicide classes under ambient secondary mildew disease pressures as defined by the model’s risk index. Identify potential interval variation across cultivars. 4) Establish online training resources for model usage and related powdery mildew management. Develop similar training material for distribution via DVD (and by extension, other digital formats).